Friday, October 9, 2015

I forgot about this page and it has been a long time since I posted. We have moved to Carson City NV and we bought our forever home, our daughter Catherine has relocated from Alaska and is now living with us until she feel strong enough to have her own little place, then Sarah and Olivia relocated last Aug to Carson from Alaska and they are starting to settle into living down here. We had a hugh family reunion over the 4th of July 2015, only missing Alexander and his little family, Deborah and her family and Keith and his lady of his soul Tiffany.  We are blessed with a new great Grandson born in Sept. There is so much that has happened in the past two years, we lost my Dad and Del lost his Dad, they passed over. We had weddings, baby born, and in some cases parting of the way with members in the family.  But all in all it is a good life and we are in a good place.

Monday, January 19, 2015

oh my gosh 2013 until 2015

oh my gosh I did not realize how long it has been since I last visited this page, so much has happened but you know what? I am not going to backtrack only go forward  Today all is well in my world, all my children are doing well, and I am very happy, we have a new home in Carson City that both of us love. For this New Year I am praying for peace in my family to continue, love and happiness for all.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

moving again

ok,  Del has been after me for over a year trying to entice me to like Las Vegas and when ever we go down to visit our friends he tries to point out the positives and of course I point out the negatives.  This past couple of weeks were a bit trying for me and this past week while he was down there he was talking alot about returning to Vegas,  I finally gave in and agreed to the move but not until Feb or March.  We have to try to save money for deposits because it will be costly.  We will rent a storage shed and start boxing up items that we do not use and start uncluttering the house.  He is so excited and he is so happy that I finally agreed.  He told me that he was going to spoil me something fierce.

Our move to Vegas will be a good one, it is time for just he and I and to enjoy our time we have left on this good earth. We still have lots of connections down there and there are a lot of things we like to do.  Emmet was so funny he sent home tape and a trunk full of newspapers for me and he tells Del now don't push on her she just might dig in her heels, hahahahahha.... Emmet said he was just helping.

I feel so relieved now that everyone is onboard with this move. Yes it is going to be hard in some ways to leave the little ones, but in other ways it will be good.  At least we are not thousands of miles away.  We can still come several times a year up here and if the kids ever want to come to Vegas to enjoy a holiday they will have built in baby sitters.

I am content with this decision and I feel a ton of weight lifted off my chest.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

I am starting to dislike summers

I don't know what it is about the summers with family members?  Why is there always have to be drama?  I tried to stay out of all the drama this year, I had made up my mind awhile back that each of my family members had to have their own box and to just keep them in that box, to just talk about what is good that is happening, not to stir up any problems and to just keep it to their own.  Well I guess even that does not work.  I get dragged into it and this time not even knowing all the whats and ifs and the whys, I just did not want to know.  I am told I was reaponsible for not stopping stuff from happening and called vulgar names by Kevin and his wife and I blocked them from face book, then I get a text from Catherine telling me I am dead to her and not to ever contact or talk to her ever again, so be it.  Then out of the blue I get another text from Eliabeth (Maura's daughter) blaming me for allowing someone calling her a name and not reporting it to her, now why would I report it to her unless I wanted to stir up trouble? Anyway I don't even remember if I had that conversation with the person she said had said it and all she would tell me is someone told her and they did not even live in the same state as she does. Then Maura starts in once again with me and when something had happened earlier this summer I told her I did not want to hear about it and she got very upset about that and it has been all down hill since. 

Del went to Vegas last week and was not aware of all of this happening and he has been kinda talking about Vegas for awhile now but I kept showing him the negative and convincing him that our lives were up here in Northern Nevada, Well anyway, he decided that he wanted to relocate back to Las Vegas and he was going to try to slowly get me to agree. When he got home and saw what was happening and how it was affecting me,,he brought up Vegas again, So this time I agreed with him and our eta will be Feb or March of moving back to Vegas. He said maybe taking me out of the direct hits that I could be left out of all drama and it would just be him and I and he promised to spoil me even more for agreeing to this move. Maybe it is what is needed..Maybe all of this type of drama has always been there but I never saw it because I was removed from the every day scene so when we did see the kids it was vacation time and it was enjoyable time. Maybe I am not suppose to be in the day to day lives of my children.  They are all grown up and they all have their own lives, maybe they were never all close to each other for one reason or the other and I never saw it because I wanted them all to be family and to be happy with each other and to love each other. Maybe that was never there in the first place.  What ever the reason is I just cannot deal with it anymore.  I have shed more tears in the last  4 years than I have my whole life time. I am not happy or contented even though I tried to be. Now don't get me wrong there has been some wonderful memories and lots of fun time during this era, but the saddness overwhelms the good and I do not like feeling like this.  I want to live out the rest of my life being happy, enjoying what time I have left on this earth, and if removing myself from the center of my children's lives then that is what I have to do and I have to keep them in their own little boxes and I have to visit them in their own boxes.  One of my daughters told me that if there are things that are not right just to put it down in the disposal and wash it away.  Easier said then done but I will try. One of the first things I did was to shut down my facebook account. Yes withdrawals hahahahhha...but you know what, I had a life before facebook and I will continue to have a life after facebook.

Monday, May 6, 2013

adding a new family member

on April 27th 2013 we added a new member to our family. Our grandson Alexander married Kristen and started on a life journey. The wedding was really nice and the day beautiful and the bride and groom were the prince and the princess of the day. Kristen is the perfect half to Alexander, she is beautiful inside and out, she brings out the best in Alexander. Welcome to our family.

This week, today, May 6th Alexander is leaving for boot camp to become an Airman in the USAF. He will be awesome and a new adventure awaits the new married couple. Kristen will make a good military wife and she will support Alexander in what ever it is that is in store for him.  Our family is blessed with a great number of people in our family either by birth or by marriage. In my dreams I could never have seen this unfold. 4, daughters, 22 grandchildren (not counting spouses) and 14 great grandchildren, what a legacy.

Sunday, February 24, 2013


tonight we went to Marina's house to celebrate the Feb birthday's. I loved being surrounded by our family. All the little g-kids and g g-kids, and grown g-kids.  I loved that Maura and her family was there. It was just a happy evening and I am so blessed with family.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

A New Year and A New Begining

We are in a New year and it is time to put away all the old negative, sad, and hurtful feeling of last year, It is time to create a new peaceful, happy, and thanks for all the good things that come into ones life. I have so many things to be thankful for, I have 3 wonderful daughters and one who is my heart but, oh well, that is one of things that I must put away so my new begining of this year can start off in a good way. I have 21 wonderful grandchildren, 12 beautiful great grandchildren and one more to add in this year will bring the count up to 13, I have a husband who is my heart, my life, my best friend, what more could I really ask for?  we have our health, we have a roof over our heads, food to feed us when we are hungry, there are times when we can help others who have less. We have our quiet faith. Welcome New Year of 2013.